Help Keep AHBS On Air
AHBS is the hospital radio service for the William Harvey Hospital and has been broadcasting since 1971.
We rely on our team of volunteers and your donations to keep us on air, without these we wouldn't be able to continue.
It's easy to donate a one-off amount to help keep AHBS on air.
Fundraise through your everyday shopping
Helping AHBS stay on air is even easier than you thought. By signing up to Everyclick, we can receive donations when you shop or search online through their 'Give as you Live' programme. You can even raise money by switching insurance, energy and broadband.
Fundraise through your Amazon shopping
If you shop on Amazon, you can select The Ashford Hospital Broadcasting Service as your nominated charity to receive money everytime you shop on Amazon - simply visit to setup and start raising money for us.
Raise money if you download music
Like a song you've heard on AHBS? If you follow the link from our music page to download the song via Amazon, we'll receive a small commission.
Purchase items on our Amazon wishlist
You can help AHBS by buying any of the items on our Amazon wishlist.
Businesses can support AHBS too
There are a range of ways that businesses can support AHBS. Although we don't have on air adverts/sponsorship, we still value your help.
You can help with our running costs by sponsoring our website. From just £500 a year you can sponsor the website with a large banner advert placed on the top of each page.
Our listeners love a free prize (who doesn't?) and if you can provide a prize that we can give away, we can promote this on our website and social media channels. We do not charge for this.
Last modified: 13 November 2021 at 08:32